Installing 'Oh My Fish' Shell

About installing fish, a very helpful modern bash alternative in WSL2/Ubuntu. Enjoy the benefits of the powerline and nice helpers and visualizations in your common workflows. Install Fish Install fish sudo apt install fish Switch to fish fish Set fish as default shell chsh -s /usr/bin/fish Hint: Switch back to bash with chsh -s /usr/bin/bash Install ‘Oh My Fish’ with the theme ‘Bob The Fish’ Install Oh My Fish curl | fish ...

March 1, 2022 · 2 min · freakyDude

Windows package manager WinGet 1.0

This week, Microsoft has released their first native package manager for Windows 10. If you ever worked with a package manager for Linux (e.g. apt, pacman) you know the benefits. Or, if you are a developer, you surely heard about nuget, maven, npm or similar. Easy install, uninstall or update of one or up to all installed applications on your system. Now you will say, that’s a old hat, it already exists Chocolatey. You are right - and at the moment it’s even more advanced. ...

June 1, 2021 · 3 min · freakyDude

Why do I prefer Arch Linux?

Hi guys, I will start a series of posts about configuring Arch Linux in a slim, straightforward way. But let me begin with some pros and cons about the Arch Linux distribution here. The Arch Linux distribution describes itself as “a lightweight and flexible Linux distribution that tries to Keep It Simple” Thats it - Arch Linux is absolutely the right distribution for you, if you like a system, what only does, what you have installed and configured. It does it only that way, no magic happens. In addition it has a great community with a up-to-date wiki about nearly all aspects of the system. So if you have to configure a package, it’s mostly enough to follow the associated article there. ...

April 22, 2021 · 2 min · freakyDude