I show you how to flash the latest Marlin Firmware to your Artillery Sidewinder X2. I had to compile it myself, because Artillery did not update it yet. At time of writing, it’s an adapted version of Marlin 2.1.2.

Caution: No warranty, no support, do it only - if you know what you are doing, it’s absolutely your own risk. I’m not responsible for any problems/defects…

What you got

Marlin 2.x, a precompiled Version for Artillery Sidewinder X2 (Artillery_Ruby v1.2 mainboard).

It’s for all who have the new Artillery Sidewinder X2 with the new TFT (GD32F305). I compiled a minimal customized firmware for the Artillery Ruby mainboard (not for the TFT controller, there is no known support yet).

Basically I enabled some features (like Linear Advance or the Octoprint support (Config & Plugin suggestions). I didn’t enable all the features, which are relevant for the Bigtreetech TFT Firmware, because the custom firmware can’t be flashed in case of the recently shipped GD32F305 chipset.

I also left unsupported hardware features disabled. For details, see the Configuration.h and Configuration_adv.h.

One way to flash

Prerequisites - Tools you need

Prepare and Flash

  1. Install Pronterface
  2. Install STM32CubeProgrammer
  3. PowerOn your Artillery Sidewinder X2
  4. Connect your PC/Mac/Laptop with USB to your Sidewinder
  5. Start Pronterface
    1. Connect with 115200 Baud to your Printer
    2. Type M997 at bottom right
    3. Error messages can be ignored
    4. If you using Windows, look into your device manager, if there is a “STM32 Bootloader”
  6. Disconnect Pronterface
  7. Start STM32CubeProgrammer
    1. Connect with USB
    2. Make a backup of your original firmware
    3. Flash the modified Firmware:
      1. Download the firmware.bin form the latest release from my github page https://github.com/freakydude/Marlin/releases/.
      2. In STM32CubeProgrammer, Open File, Select Firmware, Press Download
  8. Disconnect USB cable from your printer, restart (power-off, on) your printer
  9. Reset EEPROM with M502 and save EEPROM settings with M500 command

Basic setup after reset

You reset your EEPROM (your printer configuration) to firmware defaults. You should setup some basic parameters at least, before you print your next wonderful thing.

  • Your Z-Probe Offset (First-Layer, Babysteps) with M851 Z-[your new value]
  • Your Extruder E-Steps with M92 E[your new value]
  • Your Auto-Bed-Leveling. Home with G28, probe with G29, enable it with M420 S1 afterwards

Don’t forget to save your settings into your EEPROM again with M500

You`re done. Hope I could help. Have fun, leave comments.

And special thanks to PrEzi, who’s guide helped me to understand and of course all the guys he mentioned already.

Please leave a comment if there is something wrong or missing. Or if you have any questions. Have fun!

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