Setup Rust and Bevy under WSL2 in Windows 11

Are you one of the nerds, who likes to develop your own game, fancy graphics or any aspect that comes with that or would you do your first steps with the young programming language Rust, which unites speed of C/C++ with memory- and thread-safety? Why not combining both aspects to have some fun learning new things? Environment Just to be even more nerdy, I show you a way to do that all within the Windows Subsystem for Linux and it’s brand new graphical extension under Windows 11. At the moment of writing it’s still in preview, so be aware of some shortcomings. ...

March 11, 2022 · 2 min · freakyDude

Installing 'Oh My Fish' Shell

About installing fish, a very helpful modern bash alternative in WSL2/Ubuntu. Enjoy the benefits of the powerline and nice helpers and visualizations in your common workflows. Install Fish Install fish sudo apt install fish Switch to fish fish Set fish as default shell chsh -s /usr/bin/fish Hint: Switch back to bash with chsh -s /usr/bin/bash Install ‘Oh My Fish’ with the theme ‘Bob The Fish’ Install Oh My Fish curl | fish ...

March 1, 2022 · 2 min · freakyDude